Detact in daily operations

Just find out how our customers use their data intelligently,
across processes and sustainably

Your data are valuable information!

Just have a look at the following use cases and you will understand how manufacturers and processors optimise their processes – automated and monitored by the AI platform Detact. The articles will give you an insight on how Detact works as a fundamental infrastructure for process and quality optimisation.

Detact is highly scalable. That’s why this AI software system is just as suitable for a single plant as it is for group-wide installations. Detact collects data from your processes and analyses them with its own AI algorithms. In the Symate Cloud, even Big Data is processed effortlessly, while you automatically receive individual recommendations for action. For small projects or group-wide installations. Even Big Data is processed effortlessly via the special Symate Cloud.

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Fraunhofer IMWS
Fraunhofer IMWS

High process control for large-scale
production in lightweight construction

“We use Detact® to permanently observe and precisely analyse variables that can be responsible for fluctuations in the process. Detact is ideal for this because this AI system can be adjusted to the individual circumstances of the respective component and works with almost any interface.”
(Project management of the Institute of Materials Engineering)

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KUZ Leipzig
KUZ Leipzig

Efficient processes for polyurethane processing

“Symate’s flexible AI system generates valuable information for us, which we use to optimise the process to the point where it runs stably and highly efficiently.”

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Optimised production, networked test laboratory at automotive supplier

“The scalable system is completely aligned with our requirements, makes us highly flexible and we are prepared for future challenges of digitalisation.”

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Weidplas Germany
Weidplas Germany

Process optimisation in the injection moulding production of plastic parts

“This software system works fully automatically and autonomously to a large extent. It relies on artificial intelligence methods and we hope to gain previously unknown insights into our process from the Detact® apps.”

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